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Depression Stone Bag

Depression Stone Bag

Regular price $7.50 Sale

Depression Stones and why I choose them. 

 1) Carnelian is a powerful healer in that it works to shift the human mind and help achieve a bold, motivational point of view. It does this by first eradicating all symptoms of fatigue, which is instrumental for individuals who are battling the kind of depression that makes one want to remain bed-ridden all day. 

2) Depression is the opposite of tranquility, so kunzite works to introduce this opposition into the life of the user in the gentlest way possible. When the heart and relative channels of communication become blocked, it’s unsurprising for an individual to become depressed. Kunzite can provide an unblocking of these channels, allowing for communication to flow and healing to take place.

3) Often depression occurs as a result of change happening in the life of the individual in question. Not everyone is able to cope with change in the most optimal way, so it can cause our beings to become destabilized. Labradorite works to nurture and protect the aura, which gives us the ability to face life head on without feeling like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. 

We make no claims as to the use of our products for any purpose. Therefore, you are advised to use your good sense. The Witch Depot cannot guarantee the outcome of any spiritual work done using our products. Our products are only an aid for your spiritual work. All the information provided is for reference only! Do not use if allergic to any of the ingredients. Consult your physician before using essential oils if you have high blood pressure, are pregnant or have other medical concerns. Sold as curio only. Research before using any spiritual products.

There’s no scientific proof that crystals have any significant effect on energy, emotions, or mental health. Don’t replace medical treatment for anxiety, depression, and other diagnosable conditions with crystals. Instead, use them to create a sense of being grounded and centered while also following your doctor’s or psychologist’s advice.