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Indian Head Cents 1890 - 1909 Era

Indian Head Cents 1890 - 1909 Era

Regular price $3.00 Sale

The Indian Head Cent is one of the oldest curios found in African American folk magic. At one time a common, everyday coin, it has retained its place on hoodoo spell-casting despite having been phased out of circulation by the United States government and replaced by the Abraham Lincoln cents many decades ago. Because it was common and cheap -- worth only a penny -- when new, an Indian Head Cent in average circulated condition, which is all that is needed for its use in conjure and rootwork, can be had for a few dollars, which is less costly than it would be to replicate it. In fact, the price of Indian Head Cents in average condition fluctuates with the market price of copper.
Because Native Americans resisted domination by colonial white interests and because they also took in and intermarried with Africans who had escaped from slavery in the South, they earned a reputation as great helpers, scouts, and warriors. They are commemorated in hoodoo spiritual supplies such as Indian Spirit Guide, and because they fought the law, they are also used in conjunction with Some of the oldest Law Keep Away spiritual supplies and spells. In such tricks, the Indian Head Cent -- a copper penny with the head of an Indian depicted on it -- is a "lookout" or "Indian Scout" who keeps the "coppers" -- the Police, INS, social services, DEA, collection services, IRS, and others away. This Scout is identified by those in the Spiritual Church Movement with the Sauk and Fox warrior Black Hawk, also known as "The Watcher on the Wall," in reference to the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 62 in the Bible.