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Cornflowers Petals

Cornflowers Petals

Regular price $3.25 Sale

4 Grams

Folk Names: Blue Bottle, Bluecap, Bluet

Gender: Feminine 

Planet: Venus/Saturn

Element: Earth/Air

Powers: Psychic Awareness, Ritual, Third Eye Awakening, Self- Knowledge, Spirituality, Abundance, Love, Magick, Fertility, Growth, Creativity.

Medicinal: Cornflower is an herb. The dried flowers are used to make medicine.

People take cornflower tea to treat fever, constipation, water retention, and chest congestion. They also take it as a tonic, bitter, and liver and gallbladder stimulant. Women take it for menstrual disorders and vaginal yeast infections.

Some people apply cornflower directly to the eye for irritation or discomfort.

In foods, cornflower is used in herbal teas to provide color.

Sold As Curio Only

Informational Use Only

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Herbs, Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.

All herbs and oils are intended for magical use only.
They are not intended for internal use.