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Devil's Pod (Bat Nut)

Devil's Pod (Bat Nut)

Regular price $3.25 Sale

3 per bag

Its spiky appearance is where it gets its name from. It is considered extremely powerful for driving away all types of evil influences, energies, spirits and vibrations. It’s said to deflect, ward and “scare” away malevolent forces or entities. In Chinese culture, bats are considered lucky, so some consider this seed a good luck charm. In Chinese culture, bats are considered lucky, so some consider this seed a good luck charm. The seed is said to resemble a bat; and because the word Bat in Chinese is similar to the word for Happiness, having this seed is said to be a very auspicious (lucky) charm to have in your possession. 

To ward off Evil, Jinxes, Hexes and Witchcraft:

Anoint A Devil Pod with a Protective oil such as Dragon’s Blood, Jinx Remover, Run Devil Run, Uncrossing or other similar oil.
Place on your windowsills or above your doors to keep away evil from your home or business.
Carry Devil Pods in a red flannel bag for strong protection wherever you go.
Hang on your rearview mirror or keep in the glove compartment to repel unwanted vibrations or energy from yourself while driving.
Place a Devil Pod next to any Double Action or Reversible Candle to protect you and the work you are doing.
For Good Luck and Road Opening

Anoint with Van Van, Open Doors or any favorite money/prosperity oil. Carry in a Green or Gold Mojo Bag for luck.
Hang 8 Devil Pods over the entrance of the door with Red Satin Ribbon. 8 is a lucky number in Chinese Culture.

Info from:

Folk Names: 




Astrological Primary: 


Sold As Curio Only

Informational Use Only

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.
Each persons results will vary.

All herbs and oils are intended for magical use only. They are not intended for internal use.