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Dog Tooth Calcite (Stellar Beam Calcite) 4

Regular price $10.00 Sale

The stellar beam calcite is a crystal, which is also known as the dogtooth calcite. Surprising, isn’t it? Well, this is because of the shape that it has, which you may guess –a dog’s tooth. Nonetheless, the stones are typically double terminated, a lot of them with long, sharp points on them. They might also occur in size from small crystals all around some other kinds of larger pieces or crystals.

Moreover, the meaning of the name of this crystal may relate to the way it is being stated to be used in making a link with the extra-terrestrial beings, because of the powerful energy beam that it exudes. Most of the pieces of stellar beam calcite originally came from the United States, specifically in the state of Tennessee.

Even though there are no other often touted places where the stone can be found, some sources of other stones are being discovered as well on an unvarying basis, and not all places of origin are renowned on the stones. Even though a lot of pieces of these crystals appear golden yellow in color, the color of it may vary still. The color range of the crystals may include bright clear yellow, very light yellow to almost white, pale yellow, and deep amber yellow stones.

Just like some other kinds of calcite, the stellar beam calcite has a smooth to nearly soapy feel to it. They frequently have annexations of pyrite in them as well. They’re categorized as scalenohedral crystals, meaning they have different faces. Each are scalene triangles or triangles, which have all their sides unequal.