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Ginkgo Biboa, Leaf

Ginkgo Biboa, Leaf

Regular price $2.25 Sale

1/2 oz

Ginkgo Biloba, also known as Maidenhair Tree, is the national tree of China and is used in magick to symbolize longevity of the mind, body, and spirit. As a living fossil, some Ginkgo Trees are over 2000 years old. The leaves are used in teas, magickal herbal blends, and powders to draw energies of protection, love, and abundance.

Folk Names: Maidenhair Tree

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Powers: Aphrodisiac, Money, Luck, Wisdom 

Sold As Curio Only

Informational Use Only

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.
Each persons results will vary.

All herbs and oils are intended for magical use only. They are not intended for internal use.