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Golden Topaz (Imperial) Specimen

Golden Topaz (Imperial) Specimen

Regular price $95.00 Sale

Golden and Imperial Topaz – embraces the nobility of spirit, status, personal will and ability to manifest one’s desires. It activates the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, as well as the Crown, increasing the ability to direct one’s own energy or Universal energy into form. It is a stone of creativity and intention, generating abundance within the context of what is appropriate for one’s highest path. Used respectfully, it is an excellent crystal for conscious attunement to the highest forces in the universe, and may be used to store information, energy, thoughts and love received in this manner. Like a battery, it can recharge one spiritually and physically, boosting faith and optimism, and increasing one’s confidence, self-worth and pride in one’s abilities without inflating the ego. This stone is beneficial to those seeking fame or overcoming limitations in order to implement great plans as it increases one’s charisma and attracts helpful people, while inspiring one to remain generous and open-hearted. The energies of Golden Topaz move more slowly and are more grounded than Clear Topaz making it ideal for enhancing relaxation and stimulating feelings of peace. It is an excellent crystal for meditation and connecting to the Divine, Ascended Masters, and Archangels. [Melody En, 801][Hall, 294][Hall En, 87][Lembo, 342-343][Simmons, Ahsian, 404][Gienger, 86][Eason, 104]