Hyssop (Organic)
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7 grams
Names: Isopo, Ysopo, Yssop
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Astrological Primary: Pisces, Sagittarius
Powers: Purification, Change
Powers: Purification, Protection
Magickal: Psalms 51
Hyssop is the most widely used purification herb in magic. It is added to baths in sachets, infused and sprinkled on objects or persons to cleanse them, and hung up in the home to purge it form evil and negativity.
Medical: Now found throughout the Southwestern US, chaparral actually originated in Argentina several thousand years ago. The stems and leaves of the bush are covered with a sticky resin that screens leaves against ultraviolet radiation, reduces water loss, and poisons or repels most herbivores. This resin is used in herbal medicine and to protect wood from insects. It received its name "creosote bush" due to the smell that comes from it when it rains. Its extremely bitter taste keeps it safe from animals that would otherwise graze upon it. It is also regarded as one of the most adaptable desert plants in the world; it was one of the first to grow back in Yucca Flats after the 1962 nuclear bomb tests done there. Chaparral contains lignans that are very similar to estrogen, giving it an effect on the skin similar to that of soy taken internally. Folk
Astringent, Carminative, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Pectoral, Stimulant. Relief from common colds and mild breathing disorders can be had with a warm water infusion of hyssop.
Sold As Curio Only
Informational Use Only
Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.
Each persons results will vary.
All herbs and oils are intended for magical use only. They are not intended for internal use.