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Bayberry Root Bark (Discontinued)

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 1/2 oz

Folk Names: Wax Myrtle, Bayberry Wild Cinnamon, Southern Bayberry, Wax Myrtle, Southern Wax Myrtle, Candle Berry, Arbre à suif, Myricae Cortex, Tallow Shrub, Wachsgagle, bay-rum tree, sweet gale, American Bayberry, Myrica, Vegetable Tallow, Vegetable Wax, Yang-mei


Planet: Jupiter 

Element: Earth 

Powers: Good Luck, Wealth, Yule, Business Success, Persuasion, House Blessing 

Magical:  Bayberry’s association with good fortune and prosperity place it firmly under the dominion of Jupiter. Like many other Jupiter herbs, Bayberry proliferates in the wild and can grow to enormous proportions if not pruned back.

Sold As Curio Only

Informational Use Only

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Herb, Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.

All herbs and oils are intended for magical use only.
They are not intended for internal use.