Dittany Of Crete, Organic
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7 Grams
This plant has long been considered sacred to many goddesses and cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean. Dittany of Crete is used to invoke; Aphrodite (Venus), Artemis, Circe, Diana, Hekate, Hera, and Persephone. Even the mighty Zeus (Jupiter) is associated with Dittany, having gifted the plant to the Island of Crete in honor of being brought up there.
Spiritual Properties: Soothes mind, body, and spirit. Excellent for healing and for connecting with the Other Worlds. Evoking, merging, and invoking the divine feminine. Sovereignty, agency, and personal power. Brings comfort to the lonely and symbolizes true love.
Magickal Properties: Abundance, astral travel, beauty, deathwalking, divination, drawing out toxins (harmful people and spirits) healing, journeying, mysticism, passion, protection, spirits, and visions.
Folk Names:
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Abundance, astral travel, beauty, deathwalking, divination, drawing out toxins (harmful people and spirits) healing, journeying, mysticism, passion, protection, spirits, and visions.
Sold As Curio Only
Informational Use Only
Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.
Each persons results will vary.
All herbs and oils are intended for magical use only. They are not intended for internal use.