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Marigold (Calendula), Organic

Marigold (Calendula), Organic

Regular price $2.75 Sale


It is believed that marigold has protective properties and can ward off negative energies, curses, and evil spirits. In folklore, marigold petals were used in divination practices, such as dream interpretation and scrying. The bright, sunny colors of marigold represent the energy of the sun, symbolizing vitality, optimism, and abundance.

Calendula is frequently located at graves. It is widely used in bouquets for people that passed away since it is believed that the light collected by their flowers will accompany them wherever they go.

Calendula is often used in love spells and rituals to attract love, enhance romance, and strengthen bonds.

It is believed that calendula can attract prosperity and abundance, bringing financial and material success.

Calendula petals can be used in divination practices to enhance psychic abilities and gain spiritual insights.

Calendula is used in purification and cleansing rituals to remove negativity and promote spiritual harmony.

Calendula can be used to make a refreshing and cleaning floral bath that is capable of generating a lot of positive energy in us.

We will need a marigold plant, sea salt, and olive oil. The ingredients are mixed and placed in the sun for a few hours to absorb all the energy from the sun’s rays, and then we bathe with this preparation.

This combination of elements is highly beneficial since calendula flowers channel positive energies. Olive oil will help our skin to revitalize and moisturize. On the other hand, sea salt helps us to discharge all negative energies.

1/4 oz

 Folk Names: Marigold

Gender: Masculine  

Planet: Sun  

Element: Fire

Astrological Primary: Leo

Powers: Psychic powers, spiritual growth, happiness, protection

Medicinal: It is an antiseptic, and improves blood flow to the affected area. As an anti-fungal agent, it can be used to treat athlete`s foot. The plant is not recommended for pregnant women since it may stimulate the uterus. It should also be avoided by those with allergy to the daisy family. Used frequently in the treatment of liver disorders. It is thought to induce perspiration in case of fever. Calendula flowers taken internally may to act as a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and painkiller for the digestive tract. Calendula flowers are commonly used in preparing infusions and decoctions for cleansing and regulating the liver. The herb is thought to be a stimulant and diaphoretic, acting to excrete toxins through perspiration. 

Sold As Curio Only

Informational Use Only

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.
Each persons results will vary.

All herbs and oils are intended for magical use only. They are not intended for internal use.