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Palo Santo Shavings

Palo Santo Shavings

Regular price $4.00 Sale

 Folk Names: N/A

Gender:  Planet: N/A  Element: N/A
Astrological Primary: N/A
Astrological Secondary: N/A
Goddesses: N/A
Gods: N/A
Powers: Protection, Cleansing, Creativity, Good Fortune

Palo Santo is enjoyed by many for its energetically cleansing and healing properties similar to Sage and Cedar.  It is a strong medicine that has been popularized for its heavenly presence in keeping energies grounded and clear.  It creates a pleasant, fresh smoke that works well in keeping away mosquitoes and other flying insects which is one of the prime uses for the people who live in Ecuador and Peru.  It provides an uplifting scent that raises your vibration in preparation for meditation and allows for a deeper connection to the Source of all creation.  It is also said that Palo Santo enhances creativity and brings good fortune to those who are open to its magic.
Medicinal: Palo Santo is traditionally used for relieving common colds, flu symptoms, stress, asthma, headaches, anxiety, depression, inflammation, emotional pain and more.  This Essential Oil is great for Aromatherapy and can also be used during massage work to assist in healing.
Palo Santo can also be simmered in hot water and drank as a tea.  Great for calming the immune and nervous systems for faster recovery of illness.  In essential oil form, it is great for physical pain and inflammation containing high levels of D-Limonene and Monotropenes that are useful for cancer symptoms.

Our Palo Santo wood is 100% natural, no trees or forest are harmed to gather these sticks. Use these sticks to purify objects, homes, offices, & self. Just burn the tip and blow the stick, let the smoke of this "Holy Wood" do the magic.

We make no claims as to the use of our products for any purpose. Therefore, you are advised to use your good sense including waters, herbs, oils and crystals. The Witch Depot cannot guarantee the outcome of any spiritual work done using our products. Our products are only an aid for your spiritual work. All the information provided is for reference only! Do not use if allergic to any of the ingredients. Consult your physician before using essential oils if you have high blood pressure, are pregnant or have other medical concerns. Sold as curio only. Research before using any spiritual products.