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Soursop Leaf (Organic)

Soursop Leaf (Organic)

Regular price $4.00 Sale

7 grams

The use of soursop leaves for spiritual purposes dates back centuries, with their earliest recorded use found in traditional Amazonian medicine. Indigenous peoples in this region have long employed soursop leaves for various spiritual practices, including:

cleansing rituals,
protective amulets,
and healing remedies.
Their deep connection to the natural world led them to recognize the inherent spiritual power of soursop leaves.


Soursop tea is prepared from the leaves of the soursop plant, which is taxonomically known as Annona muricata. It is also known as graviola tea or pawpaw tea. Native to the tropical regions of the Americas, the fruit of this plant can weigh more than five pounds, but to prepare the tea, only the leaves are required. [1]

Graviola has received attention in recent years due to its effects on chronic diseases, but research is still ongoing for the safety and efficacy of this tea. The beneficial effects of soursop are attributed to the presence of alkaloids, acetogenins, antioxidants, vitamins A, B, and C, calcium, iron, potassium, gentisic acid, and anonol in it. [2]

Benefits of Soursop Tea
The benefits of this tea are listed below in detail.

May Aid in Weight Loss
Obesity can play a key role in increasing your risk of metabolic diseases.

A 2019 study published in the Nutrients journal has tried to analyze if soursop leaf tea can help in weight loss. The extracts of graviola leaves were given to obese mice for 12 weeks. Results showed that soursop tea can help in reducing body weight. [4]

Start small by having one small cup a day and see how effective it is for you.

May Protect Heart Health
Soursop tea helps to improve your heart health.

Multiple studies show that the leaves of soursop may help in lowering triglycerides and LDL or bad cholesterol levels. They also help in reducing the accumulation of fat in your body and therefore, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. [5]

Research shows that soursop leaf extracts may help in lowering hypertension. These extracts plausibly contain alkaloids like anomurine, reticulin, and certain essential oil constituents that show antihypertensive activity in rats with normal blood pressure. [6]

May Improve Stomach Health
Soursop leaves may help maintain good gastrointestinal health.

Evidence suggests that excessive alcohol consumption may lead to gastritis, gastric ulcer, and even gastric carcinoma. Research shows that graviola leaf extracts may help in fighting these conditions as they exert gastroprotective activity.

May Boost The Immune System
A healthy immune system is important to fight infections and chronic diseases.

A study published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal suggests that Graviola leaves and stems may help boost your immunity. It is possibly rich in antioxidants that can seek out free radicals and reduce the chances of oxidative stress in the body. [7]

So, if you are looking for a natural immune system booster, you can include soursop leaf tea in your diet.

May Help Manage Diabetes
Graviola leaves and their extracts may help regulate blood sugar levels.

Research published in 2018 mentions that soursop extracts helped to lower blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. [8]

Traditional medicine mentions using medicinal plant products like lettuce, moringa, and soursop leaves for diabetes. A research participant mentioned that soursop drink is effective in lowering blood sugar levels but too much of it can cause your sugar levels to fall drastically. [9]

May Help Improve Skin
The leaves of soursop have been used in folk medicine for the possible treatment of various skin conditions like abscesses. Studies also show that it has anti-inflammatory properties that help to keep your skin healthy. [10]

Furthermore, there is some evidence demonstrating that wounds treated with soursop showed decreased inflammation around the wound area and an organized generation of collagen fibers. [11]

May Improve Overall Health
Soursop tea may also be helpful in fighting many other diseases including cough, nausea, and parasitic infections. However, if you are suffering from any medical conditions, or taking any medications, do consult with your doctor before including this tea in your diet. [12] [13]

How to Make Soursop Tea?
Soursop tea is a caffeine-free beverage that can be easily brewed at home, provided you have access to fresh (or dried) soursop leaves. Soursop is locally grown in certain tropical parts of the Americas, so you may find it difficult to purchase the leaves. They are generally available at herbalists, natural health stores, and exotic import stores.

Tea lovers who have tried this tea say that soursop tea has an aroma that resembles freshly cut grass. It tastes like an herbal leaf tea on its own. You can mix the tea with other teas like green tea, matcha tea, or herbal teas for a better flavor.

Soursop Tea Side Effects
The side effects of soursop tea can be intense. They include stomach upset, heart problems, neural issues, and drug interactions. While some of the potential benefits of this tea sound incredible, the risks cannot be ignored.

Neurotoxic Effects: Research has revealed that there are neurotoxins present in soursop that may be related to Parkinson’s disease symptoms. However, these neurotoxins occur in many foods, typically in minimal amounts, and the direct link between neurotoxic effects and this tea remains unproven. [14] [15]
Drug Interactions: People taking antidepressant medication, sedatives, blood pressure pills, diabetic medications, or drugs for neurodegenerative diseases should speak to a doctor before adding soursop tea to the health regimen, as this could result in drug interactions and complications.
Pregnancy: Some research shows that consumption of this tea can impair fetal growth during pregnancy, therefore it advisable to avoid soursop tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding. As always, follow the advice of your doctor or healthcare provider. [17]


We make no claims as to the use of our products for any purpose. Therefore, you are advised to use your good sense and research before using any spiritual products, including waters, herbs, oils and crystals. The Witch Depot cannot guarantee the outcome of any spiritual work done using our products. Our products are only an aid for your spiritual work. All the information provided is for reference only! Do not use if allergic to any of the ingredients. Consult your physician before using essential oils if you have high blood pressure, are pregnant or have other medical concerns. Sold as curio only.