Catnip, Organic
Regular price
1/4 oz
Folk Names: Catmint, Catnep, Catrup, Cat's Wort, Field Balm, Nowepeta, Nip
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness
Medicinal: Antispasmodic, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Emmenagogue (mildly), Febrifuge, Nervine, Refrigerant, Stimulant (mildly), Tonic. Relief from mild fever, insomnia, and flatulence can be had from this wonderful plant. A strong warm water infusion of catnip makes a wonderful sleeping aid. Consume 1 cup an hour right before going to bed. If you don't like the taste, try using a blend of chamomile and catnip, but do not sweeten. If you still cannot stand the taste, add small amounts of honey. Will also combat colic.
Sold As Curio Only
Informational Use Only
Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Herb, Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.
All herbs and oils are intended for magical use only.
They are not intended for internal use.