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White Calcite (Optical) Raw (5)

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1.33 lb.
Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy of Calcite cleans out stored negative energy from a room, the body, etc. Use Calcite to remove old energy patterns and to increase personal motivation and drive. Calcite is also a good choice for distance healing work, because it amplifies the energy being sent.

Calcite is also known as the “Stone of the Mind”, heightening mental discernment and analysis, and increasing memory and learning abilities. Calcite is THE stone for students and academics. Calcite is also useful during times of mental adjustments and disagreements. Calcite can show you a new way to look at a situation, easing you away from old, outdated thought patterns that may be in the way of new ideas.

Physically, Calcite has been associated with the bones and joints, and balances the amount of calcium in the body. Calcite can also help to improve the body's absorption of important vitamins and minerals.

Optical Calcite (Iceland Spar)

Also called Iceland Spar, Optical Calcite works to clear and activate all of the chakras, improving the flow of energy throughout the subtle bodies. Use Optical Calcite to clear away negative energy, and to amplify positive energy, and specifically, to help remove fear-based emotions, bringing more optimism into one's experience.

Optical Calcite is helpful for those in need of clarity, and those who are learning about Law of Attraction and manifestation. Like Clear Quartz, Optical Calcite can amplify intent, and can be programmed for a specific purpose. Optical Calcite can help one to see past errors and ways to correct them for benefit in the future. By clearing away stagnant energy blockages, Optical Calcite can bring higher energies into the chakras, encouraging spiritual development.

Physically, Optical Calcite can be used to relieve migraines; helps with eye problems. Used with other crystals, Optical Calcite will often double the healing effects.

You can read a newspaper through Optical Clear Calcite! You’re not seeing double when you look through them, though; when light passes through this transparent Calcite it bends two ways, making images appear double. Optical Calcite naturally form parallelogram shapes, making them excellent pieces for energy grids.

Properties for Stone: Optical Calcite
Primary Chakra: Crown-Chakra
Crystal System: Trigonal-Crystal-System
Chemical Composition: CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate
Astrological Sign: Leo
Numerical Vibration: Number-3
Hardness: 2.5-to-3-Hardness
Color: Clear
Location: Brazil, Peru
Rarity: Common
Pronunciation: op-TI-cal KAL-sahyt
Mineral Class: Carbonates
Issues and Ailments (Physical): Blood-Clotting, Eyes, Immune-System, Joints, Migraine, Skin, Ulcers, Warts
Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Calming, Clarity, Hope, Laziness, Memory, Motivation, Negativity, Optimism, Stress
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Amplifier, Higher-Awareness, Psychic-Ability