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Yellow Aventurine, Tumbled

Yellow Aventurine, Tumbled

Regular price $3.00 Sale

Aventurine is an excellent stone to use when gridding areas against geopathic stress or to absorb EMF "smog" and other environmental pollutants. Aventurine can help to stabilize one's state of mind when things seem chaotic or out of focus. Feel stuck? Aventurine helps to open up the mind to endless alternatives and possibilities.

Aventurine is a stone of creativity. It also soothes and calms the emotions and can be a great help for reducing stress, especially before and during exams/tests. Aventurine balances Yin/Yang energies and guards against “psychic vampires” from draining one’s energy.

Physically, use Aventurine to help with disorders of the heart, lungs, adrenal glands, and muscles.

Yellow Aventurine is great for opening and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra. Those who are oversensitive or indecisive, issues relating to an unbalanced Sacral Chakra, can also benefit from Yellow Aventurine's reassuring and balancing energies.

The helpful energies of Yellow Aventurine can aid those who have problems with power and control. Working with Yellow Aventurine can help focus intentions for manifesting a sense of ease in being yourself. The golden light of Yellow Aventurine fills one with compassion and understanding, alleviating grief and centering the emotions.

Use Aventurine to reduce/absorb/protect against electromagnetic and environmental pollution. Yellow Aventurine can assist in removing toxins and enhancing the flow of energy through the body. Yellow Aventurine balances the Yin-Yang energies, eases anxiety and expands the flow of creativity.

Physically, Yellow Aventurine can be used as an anti-inflammatory, as well as easing migraine headaches, allergies and sinus issues.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for
Properties for Stone: Yellow Aventurine
Primary Chakra: Sacral-Chakra
Secondary Chakra: Solar-Plexus-Chakra
Crystal System: Trigonal-Crystal-System
Chemical Composition: SiO2 Silicon Dioxide with inclusions
Astrological Sign: Aries
Numerical Vibration: Number-3
Hardness: 7-Hardness
Color: Yellow
Location: Brazil, China, India, Russia
Rarity: Common
Pronunciation: YELL- oh uh-VEN-chur-een
Mineral Class: Silicates
Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Self-Reflection
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Visions