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Azurite tempers the mind; it releases stress and confusion, and alleviates worry, indecision, and thoughts that linger in the back of the consciousness. To restore balance and control over emotions and reactions, simply hold the crystal and ask to have the troublesome thoughts evaporate. It is a rubbing stone that prefers to be touched to release its energies, so when wearing or carrying Azurite, remember to rub it often. Azurite tempers the mind; it releases stress and confusion, and alleviates worry, indecision, and thoughts that linger in the back of the consciousness. To restore balance and control over emotions and reactions, simply hold the crystal and ask to have the troublesome thoughts evaporate. It is a rubbing stone that prefers to be touched to release its energies, so when wearing or carrying Azurite, remember to rub it often. [Mella, 74][Melody, 140]
Azurite is a stone for connecting with sacred powers through religious music, such as Gregorian or Buddhist chants, choral music and hymns; also for healing with sound, especially using the drums, didgeridoo, pipes or the voice. [Eason, 217]
The energy of Azurite is highly effective for use as a pendulum and in radionic analysis. It assists psychics, mediums, channels, or other Light workers in improving the accuracy of their interpretations and helping to maintain objectivity. [Melody, 141][Ahsian, 64]
Azurite stimulates all the mind centers, nourishing a keen interest in life, one’s function in society, and discovering new commonalities and links within our world. It encourages the study of new and challenging subjects, not only for school or college students, but for adults trying to fit study in with other commitments, and for “students of life” over-fifty or in retirement. Azurite enhances focus and concentration, memorization and retention of information.[Simmons, 63][Eason, 217]
An excellent crystal for examinations, interviews, presentations, or negotiations, Azurite also fortifies long-term career plans, especially in large or very structured organizations. It is particularly beneficial for careers in all governmental departments, museums, libraries and universities. [Eason, 217][Ahsian, 64]
Azurite is a good crystal for older people who live alone or in sheltered accommodations to maintain their independence, mental alertness and physical health. [Eason, 217]
Properties for Stone:
Primary Chakra:
Secondary Chakra:
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Chemical Composition: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibration:
Hardness: 3.5-4
Color: Blue
Mineral Class:
Issues and Ailments (Physical): Azurite is useful in treatments for spinal alignment and disorders of the vertebrae, rib-cage and small bones, particularly those which are malformed. It may also be beneficial in treating arthritis and joint problems, for detoxification, and issues of the kidneys, gallbladder, spleen and liver. It is thought to be good for healthy skin and teeth, and to encourage the development of an embryo in the womb. [Melody, 141][Hall, 78][Eason, 217]
Azurite aids circulation and oxygenating the blood, and works at a cellular level to restore any blockage or damage to the brain. This is a good stone for Alzheimer’s, dementia and other degenerative brain-related disorders, as well as aging. [Melody, 141][Hall, 78][Eason, 217] Azurite may also soothe migraines, lessen tinnitus, and balance vertigo. [Ahsian, 64] It is also reported to improve reflex actions. [Gienger, 18]
Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Azurite cleanses and strengthens the emotional body, releasing stress and worry, and overcoming grief and sadness. It brings a healing light into consciousness allowing it to be infused into thoughts, feelings, words and action. It also reveals fears and phobias for what they are and provides an understanding of why they occurred in the first place. [Hall, 78][Raphaell, 137-138]
Azurite lends the courage to overcome negative patterns of behavior stemming from insecurity and fear. It helps those who are deceptive or lie habitually to be more clear and truthful to themselves and to others. It calms those who talk too much out of nervousness, and encourages those who hold back from self-expression to verbalize their thoughts and feelings. [Ahsian, 64][Hall, 78]
Azurite is excellent for overcoming an inferiority complex, living only to please others, and in overcoming domestic bullying by one’s children, partner, parents, or friends who always know best. Azurite lessens tensions between different generations when sharing a home, especially when there are three or more generations, or relations involved in step-parenting. [Eason, 217]
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Azurite inspires the search for truth in one’s personal reality by challenging the examination and letting go of old programmed belief systems, and expanding one’s awareness to a deeper understanding of life. Azurite’s vibrant blue energy has the ability to move subconscious thought into the conscious mind to be reviewed and tested for truth, a search that reveals one’s true motives in spiritual connection and whether they are for the highest good of all beings and not for personal gain or ego fulfillment. Azurite also allows one to sense the truth in what others would have us believe and protects one from being misled. [Raphaell, 137-138][Hall, 77-78][Ahsian, 64]