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Blessed Thistle

Regular price $2.50 Sale

7 Grams

Blessed Thistle is commonly found growing wild in sunny locations and stony soils. This herb has a dark green narrow leaves that envelop its hairy stems and is toothed and veined on the edges. Wrapped with prickly spines, its pale yellow flowers bloom at the top of the stem from May to September.

Due to its bristly exterior, Saxons call the plant Ever Throat and its folk name Cursed Thistle is due to people stepping on its spikes in bare feet. The thistle is regarded as an emblem of Scotland, it served as a signal for the sleeping Scots when barefooted Danes were coming.

In the Middle Ages, it is used to kill tapeworms, a cure during a plague, and is also regarded as a weather predictor as its dried flower bracts close when the rain is close.

Thistle can be easily found in a Modern Witch’s garden as medicine and protects the home against thieves while a bowl of this herb in a room brings strength and energy.

It is associated with all the maternal aspects of the Mother Goddess. It is a sacred plant that provides endurance to survive cold seasons with a calming nature that soothes hatred and deep-seated negative emotions.

Blessed Thistle is an herb of joy, vitality, and protection. An herb that attracts love, counters baneful magic, and presents spiritual, physical, and financial abundance to the bearer. It brings clarity to unresolved anger and thrives to help you cope and survive the test of time.

Folk Names:

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Powers: Protection, Vitality 

Don't confuse blessed thistle with milk thistle (Silybum marianum).

Sold As Curio Only

Informational Use Only

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Herb, Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.

All herbs and oils are intended for magical use only.



They are not intended for internal use.