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Ocean Jasper (Orbicular) Pendulum

Ocean Jasper (Orbicular) Pendulum

Regular price $12.00 Sale

 Ocean Jasper is calming, gentle and nurturing. It encourages healing in a very slow and gentle way.

It helps brings issues to the surface, but in a gentle way so that you can properly acknowledge and process it.
It encourages service for the highest good and empathy towards both yourself and others around you.
It is a good crystal to work with to release blocked energy in a soft manner.
It helps to be accepting of change and helps go with the flow of life.
It promotes cleansing at the cellular level.
It is said to help with circular breathing and help with inner-ear imbalances.
It is said to help remove toxins that could normally lead to body odor and also to help with circulation.
Ocean Jasper brings an energy that lifts the mood inside and around us and that encourages joy towards our daily lives.