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Ruby, Tumbled

Ruby, Tumbled

Regular price $9.00 Sale

Ruby is a powerful heart stone, opening and activating the Heart Chakra. Ruby protects against the loss of heart energy, and dissolves emotional congestion. A powerful heart healer, Ruby heals and balances emotions, makes you more emotionally aware, and helps you connect to others emotionally. The intense and vivid energy of Ruby stimulates loving emotions, helps with the expression of love, and can facilitate states of passion and bliss.

Ruby helps us to see the true nature of love, and reveals the Divine Love in every thing in the Universe. Using Ruby can help you open up to and receive this Divine Love, as well as become a vehicle through which Divine Love can flow to others. Protective Ruby can help shield against psychic and emotional attacks. Ruby is a good stone for Aries, Cancer, and Leo.

Properties for Stone: Ruby
Primary Chakra: Heart Chakra
Secondary Chakra: Root Chakra
Crystal System: Trigonal Crystal System
Chemical Composition: Al2O3_Aluminum_Oxide
Astrological Sign: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Numerical Vibration: Number 3
Hardness: 9 Hardness
Color: Red
Location: India, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia, Tanzania
Rarity: Common
Pronunciation: ROO-bee
Mineral Class: Hydroxides, Oxides
Issues and Ailments (Physical): Anemia, Bleeding, Blood, Blood Circulation, Blood Clotting, Blood Pressure, Body, Bones, Brain, Constipation, Fever, Healing Wounds, Heart, Infertility, Intestinal Tract, Intestines, Kidneys, Legs, Liver Cleansing, Low Blood Pressure, Menopause, menstruation, Night Terrors, Nightmares, Physical Strength, Pineal gland, PMS, Pregnancy, Reduce Fever, Reproductive Organs, Sexual Abuse, Skin, Stregthen Legs, Ulcers, Urinary, Wounds
Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Courage, Emotional Balance, Happiness, Inspiration, Passion, Removes Negativity, Self Confidence, Self Esteem, Stabilize Emotions, Trust
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Abundance, Heart Chakra, Long Distance Healing, Reducing Negative Energy, Strengthens Etheric Body