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Cuprite, Tumbled

Cuprite, Tumbled

Regular price $4.50 Sale

The high copper content in copper makes this stone wonderful for the brain.

The crystal eases the anxiety and worries of a person and supports him in the stage of emotional turmoil.

Cuprite strengthens meditation and helps to deliver the spiritual message of both the human being and the divine to each other.

It liberates oxidative stress and enhances analytical abilities.

It is an excellent stone to help with females' reproductive problems and provide regulating and balancing activities.

Cuprite has been proved in curating the disease related to the skeletal system, tissues, dizziness, alcoholism, addictive habit, vitamin assimilation, oxygenation of the blood, cramps, etc.

Cuprite maintains the energy level, stamina, enthusiasm, and vigour of the body.


Properties for Stone: Cuprite
Primary Chakra: 
Secondary Chakra: 
Crystal System:
Chemical Composition: CU2O
Astrological Sign: Aquarius 
Numerical Vibration: 
Color: Dark Red-cochinel, sometimes black 

Location: Zimbabwe, the Congo, Russia, Czech Republic, Spain, Britain, Zaire, Australia, Indonesia, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Israel, USA, and the Czech Republic
Mineral Class: 
Issues and Ailments (Physical): 
Issues and Ailments (Emotional): 
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):