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Fancy Jasper, Raw

Fancy Jasper, Raw

Regular price $1.00 Sale

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of  tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life.

Jasper is often used to facilitate dreaming/dream recall and shamanic journeys. It is a stone of protection, absorbing all types of negative energies.

Jasper helps to balance and align the physical, mental and emotional bodies with the etheric realm. Jasper is a stone of courage and determination. It can often help those who need more focus, organization abilities, and motivation to follow through. Jasper stimulates creativity and imagination, transforming ideas into action.

Properties for Stone: Jasper
Primary Chakra: Varies-By-Color-&-Type
Crystal System: Trigonal-Crystal-System
Chemical Composition: SiO2 Silicon Dioxide with various inclusions/impurities
Astrological Sign: Leo
Numerical Vibration: Number-6
Hardness: 7-Hardness
Color: Black, Brown, Red, Yellow
Location: Australia, Brazil, China, India
Rarity: Common
Pronunciation: JAS-per
Mineral Class: Silicates-Mineral-Class
Issues and Ailments (Physical): Addictions, alcohol-abuse, DNA-Damage, Epilepsy, Indigestion, Intestines, Legs, Nausea, Nightmares, Pancreas, Travel, Travel-Sickness, Urinary-Tract
Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Consolation, Stress/Tension