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Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Regular price $25.50 Sale

Juniperus communis

Its revitalizing aroma has the ability to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. It is very beneficial to any skin type. When inhaled, ingested, or applied topically, Juniper Berry detoxes the body's immune, and waste systems.

Can help reduce gas.

Helps remove toxins from the body.

Can reduce fatigue & depression.

Can help with toothaches.

Can help reduce hair loss.


We make no claims as to the use of our products for any purpose. Therefore, you are advised to use your good sense. The Witch Depot cannot guarantee the outcome of any spiritual work done using our products. Our products are only an aid for your spiritual work. All the information provided is for reference only! Do not use if allergic to any of the ingredients. Consult your physician before using essential oils if you have high blood pressure, are pregnant or have other medical concerns. There’s no scientific proof that crystals have any significant effect on energy, emotions, or mental health. Don’t replace medical treatment for anxiety, depression, and other diagnosable conditions with crystals. Instead, use them to create a sense of being grounded and centered while also following your doctor’s or psychologist’s advice. Sold as curio only. Research before using any spiritual products.