Lily of the Valley
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7 Grams
The Lily of the Valley is generally regarded to represent a return of happiness.
Lily of the Valley is also symbolic of motherhood, humility, and virtue due to its connection with the Virgin Mary.
Lily of the Valley is historically associated with May Day and is given as a symbol of good luck and prosperity.
As harmless as it might seem, Lily of the Valley is poisonous.
The flowers, fruit, and leaves contain cardiac glycosides that are dangerous if consumed or ingested by humans and animals and cause symptoms such as irregular heartbeats, vomiting, etc. Make sure to keep these flowers out of reach from small children and animals to keep your loved ones safe from any potential harm.
Folk Names: Convallaria, Jacob's Ladder, Ladder to Heaven, Lily Constancy, Male Lily, May Lily, Our Lady's Tears
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Happiness, Good Luck, Prosperity
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They are not intended for internal use.