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Lovage Root

Lovage Root

Regular price $4.50 Sale

1/2 oz

Lovage is one of the most dependable herbs for drawing romance into one’s life. Not only will it bring you love, but regular bathing with this herb will enhance your beauty, physically, and will also allow the inner radiance to shine forth more brightly.

For this reason, Lovage is often used as a bathing herb, cast into the bath, the pleasant scent filling the room and delicately scenting the bather. In this manner, particularly when combined with a candle and poems of a romantic nature, is one able to attract romance.

Add seven rose buds to a Lovage bath, and you will become more attractive to the opposite sex.

With a subtle floral scent, the root is an effective addition to Herbal Amulets to attract love, and it can be steeped in wine to be served to a prospective lover.

You can also add the root, or a strong tea made by boiling the root, to a bath to become psychically cleansed.

Folk Names: Chinese Lovage, Cornish Lovage, Italian Lovage, Italian Parsley, Lavose, Love Herb, Lubestico, Sea Parsley, 

Gender:  Masculine 

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal: Love 


Sold As Curio Only

Informational Use Only

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.
Each persons results will vary.

All herbs and oils are intended for magikal use only.