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Nutmeg (Whole)

Nutmeg (Whole)

Regular price $4.00 Sale

1 nut and green bag

Carry Nutmeg to get the money you deserve – from job, loved ones, government, court case, husband and also very lucky, when you carry it, for winning at gambling games.

Nutmeg (seed) is associated with the sun (and hence the element of fire) and symbolizes good luck, prosperity, creativity, healing, intuition, psychic awareness, protection, clarity, confidence, and well-being. It is also associated with the planet Jupiter and many ancient deities including Oya, Durga, Jupiter, Zeus, and Cerridwen. Nutmeg helps open all your higher chakras and can thus raise your spiritual awareness and psychic abilities. This is why it was often associated with the pagan festivals of Samhain and Yule.

Nutmeg has a rich history of being used as a healing agent and as a magical ingredient in spells and rituals. The seeds have found a mention in various ancient texts from across the world. For instance, they have been described as a spice with powerful healing properties in the Vedas. The Vedas are spiritual Hindu texts that are considered to be written between the 1500 and 1000 BCE. They also find mention in ancient Chinese, Egyptian, Arabic and Greek literature.

Now that we have taken a brief look at what nutmeg symbolizes, let’s take a look at the amazing spiritual and magical properties of this spice and how you can benefit by using it in your own life.

 Folk Names: Qoust, Sadhika, Wohpala, Bicuiba Acu

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Magickal: Lust, Money, Health, Fidelity 


Sold As Curio Only

Informational Use Only

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.
Each persons results will vary.

All herbs and oils are intended for magikal use only. They are not intended for internal use.