Red Calcite (Raw)
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Blood Calcite is a variety of red calcite with an incredible depth of colour, ranging from the rusty brown of dried blood through to the fiery glow of burning embers.
Red Calcite is associated with confidence, grounding and vitality.
It is said to be effective at clearing out old energy patterns and increasing personal motivation and drive.
Calcite is by far the the best stone for anyone studying. It’s a powerful energy cleanser amplifier; the energy of Red Calcite grounds and cleans out negative energy.
Red Calcite is also good to inspire confidence if one is feeling beaten down during times of disagreements as it can show you a new way to look at a situation, easing you away from outdated thought patterns making space for new inspiration and ideas.
Calcite is found in many differently coloured forms, each with their own character and normally relatively young in geological terms. However, Blood Calcite feels ancient and full of rich wisdom. It is said to energise and motivate and is believed to release stress, anger and fear, especially old stuff rooted in the past. It's ability to release heat can be applied to the inflammation of arthritis and by simply holding it, the mineral will find the source of the inflammation.
Properties for Stone: Blood Calcite
Primary Chakra:
Secondary Chakra:
Crystal System:
Chemical Composition:
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibration:
Rarity: Common
Mineral Class:
Issues and Ailments (Physical):
Issues and Ailments (Emotional):
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):