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St. Claira 7 Day Candle, White

St. Claira 7 Day Candle, White

Regular price $8.00 Sale

Inspired by the teachings of St. Francis, she founded the Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition. The Order of Poor Ladies was different from any other order or convent because it followed a rule of strict poverty. Clare wrote their Rule of Life, the first set of monastic guidelines known to have been written by a woman. Following her death, the order she founded was renamed in her honor as the Order of Saint Clare, commonly referred to today as the Poor Clares. Her feast day is on 11 August.

Sold as Curio only.

Image on candle may vary.

Burning Instructions
Trim wick to 1/4″ before lighting. Keep the candle free of any foreign materials including matches and wick trimmings. Only burn the candle on a level, fire-resistant surface. Stop use when only 1/4″ of wax remains.

Always burn candles within sight
Never burn candles near flammable items
Keep candles away from children and pets