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St. Martha 7 Day Candle, Green

St. Martha 7 Day Candle, Green

Regular price $8.00 Sale

Saint Martha is a biblical figure who is best known for her role in the New Testament story of Jesus and the two sisters, Martha and Mary. According to the Bible, Martha and her sister Mary were close friends of Jesus and he often visited their home in Bethany, a village near Jerusalem. She is remembered for her hospitality and the care she showed for him and his disciples when they visited her home.

Martha is the patron saint of cooks and travelers and is often depicted in art holding a platter of food or a broom. She is also considered a symbol of hospitality and generosity.

Sold as Curio only.

Image on candle may vary.

Burning Instructions
Trim wick to 1/4″ before lighting. Keep the candle free of any foreign materials including matches and wick trimmings. Only burn the candle on a level, fire-resistant surface. Stop use when only 1/4″ of wax remains.

Always burn candles within sight
Never burn candles near flammable items
Keep candles away from children and pets