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The Craft

The Craft

Regular price $20.00 Sale


Celebrate the changing of the seasons and the beauty and power of the Moon, the Stars, and the Sun. Written by a Witch who has spent many years teaching the Craft of Wicca to newcomers, this introductory guide presents everything you need to know for successful witchery, including:

  • An essential set of instructions and guidelines for beginning the practice of the Ancient arts
  • An overview of Wiccan beliefs, laws, rules, and principles
  • Directions for creating and using basic tools of the Craft—athame, wand, cup, pentacle, cauldron, broom, black mirror, and meditation
  • Easy-to-follow instructions for altar setup, circle-casting, building power, Deity invocation, and more
  • An assortment of miscellaneous spells, chants, and invocations for a variety of purposes

Walk the path of the Witch-live in harmony and balance, and discover the sacred within the natural world with The Craft.